res•ur•rec•tion \re-zə-rek-shən\
1. The act of rising from the dead or returning to life.
2. The state of one who has returned to life.
3. The act of bringing back to practice, notice, or use; revival.
An artistic accompaniment of a roof and terrace renovation of a centennial house.
A surprising and pleasurable photographic journey (not only for roofers and house owners).
A roof over your head. This is more than just protection from cold and rain. It is a metaphor for a place where you are at home. The "old lady" at Hochfeldstrasse 113 has been offering us a roof over our heads for years. We live in a house that with all its angles and cracks, squiggles and irregularities means more than just a place to sleep. Much more it is a space to spin threads that can connect the past with the future. Threads of life. As the signs of fatigue intensified, it was time to renew the old lady's "headdress".
I accompanied the works with the affection that life brought forth under the old lady's roof. Just as the wrinkles of an aging face tell of life experience, just as the furrows, scars and stains on the skin lose their meaning when one can see beneath the surface, our house also showed me a touchingly personal side. This is how the pictures in this book came into being: as homage to the story of the "old lady" and to the relationship I have with her.
I wish you much pleasure in your encounter with the pictures.